Sunday, September 20, 2015

Random Verity

 Pain is measured in units of "dols."
The instrument used to measure
 pain is a "dolorimeter."

Each time you see
a full moon you always
see the same side. 

The winter of 1932 was so cold
 that Niagara Falls froze
completely solid.

A Kitchen faucet would need
to be turned on all the way for
at least 45 years to equal the
amount of blood pumped by
the human heart in an average lifetime. 

   Mark twain was born on
November 30, 1835, a day when
 Halley's Comet cam into view.
When he died in 1910,
Halley's Comet was in view again.

All radios in North Korea
have been rigged so listeners
can only receive a North Korean
Government station.

Plato theorized that reasoning originated
 from the brain, but that passion
originated from the heart.

An average American will spend 
about 6 months during his/her
lifetime waiting at a red light. 

12% of people dream in black and white.

The air quality in Mumbai is so bad,
it is equivalent to smoking 2 packs of 
cigarettes a day. 

An average person will spend 25 years asleep.

The very first bomb dropped
by the allies on Berlin during
World War II killed the only
elephant in the Berlin zoo.

Prolonged lack of sleep can cause
 irregular jumping hear beats called
Premature Ventricular Contractions.